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Dear Mogen David Family,

Our Parasha, the last of Sefer Bereishit, contains the blessings Yakov Avinu delivers to each of the Shivtei Kah. These blessings, understood by the Chachamim as alluding to Messianic times are, unsurprisingly, difficult to understand.

Many commentators struggle to understand their basic meaning, and attempt to compare and contrast the blessings given by Yakov to his sons, to those at the end of Sefer Devarim delivered by Moshe Rabbeinu to each of the Shevatim. Many such studies have met with fruitful results. I hope to analyze but one of the many facets of these timeless Berachot.

One recurring theme we notice immediately when reading the pesukim is the intentional symbolism of animals. For example, Yehudah is compared to a lion; Yisaschar to a donkey; Dan to a snake; Naftali to a female ram; Binyamin to a wolf. Many images depicted in Synagogues all over the world make usage of these animal symbols, most famously the windows of Marc Chagall which are prominently housed and displayed at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Yerushalayim.

In general, to what do we attribute this occurrence of animal imagery?

In contradistinction to human beings, animals primarily operate by their instincts. Man, on the other hand, endowed with higher forms of intellect, makes decisions based on logic, emotion, memory and inference from previous circumstances. As much as we would like to see things with fresh eyes, we are greatly influenced by our experiences, cultural surroundings, and upbringing. In a Messianic World our inner essence and our outer experience will become one and the same. Jewish mysticism speaks of the fruit and its taste; the man and his essence as one unifying force, congruent and undivided. This can only occur Al Admat Kodesh--in Eretz Yisrael with the Chiluk Ha-Shevatim, the partitioning of Israel amongst the original Tribes, each in its proper chelek, fulfilling its purpose for Klal Yisrael.

In this manner, the image of an animal, which is more in tune with its nature and essence, unadulterated by atmosphere and influence, is very appropriate. We yearn for this day of a Messianic future where we will be able to serve the Ribbono Shel Olam b'Kedusha U'veTahara.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Yehuda Moses Rav HaKehillah/Senior Rabbi

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Sun, January 12 2025 12 Tevet 5785