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Dear Mogen David Family,

Parashat Ki-Teitze begins with the law of the eishet yefat to’ar, outlining the procedure that must be followed when a soldier wishes to marry a woman taken captive from the enemy during battle. The Torah requires allowing the woman one month during which she “weeps for her father and mother” before the soldier marries her.

Rashi comments that the Torah, in this instance is working with the psychology of our Yetzer Hara and curbing the brutality and instincts which emerge during war and battles. The one month period, in a way, restrains the darker side of humanity and causes the soldier to 'stop and think.'

Amazingly, the Zohar Hakadosh commenting on this pasuk, writes that this monthlong process of weeping corresponds to the month of Elul! Somehow, the period of the woman’s bemoaning her state of captivity is associated with the period of Elul, when we are to focus our minds on introspection and repentance.

How might we explain this association?

During the Yamim Noraim we emphasize our relationship with Hashem as a King, but also as a father-Avinu Malkeinu. During the year we are held 'captive' by our schedules, out thoughts, our inhibitions, and our baser drives and goals. During this lofty time period we need to slow down and refocus on what really matters, what is really important.

The answer to those concerns is found through our relationship with Avinu She-BaShamayim, through Teshuva, Tefilla, and Tzedaka, through family and community. May we be zoche during this upcoming month to draw closer to our True selves and enjoy a stronger and warmer connection with the Melech Malchei HeMelachim.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Yehuda Moses Rav HaKehillah/Senior Rabbi

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Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784