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Dear Mogen David Family,

At the beginning of Parashat Pinchas we are told of the Brit Shalom (Covenant of Peace) create by Pinchas' heroic action. Ironically, the violent killings of Zimri and Kosbi by Pinchas alleviates G-d's angry ("heshiv et chamati), and establishes a Covenant of Peace.

Let's take a closer look at the actual event, recorded at the end of Parashat Balak: The pasuk says, "Vayar Pichas ben Elazar ben Aharon HaKohen, Vayakom Mitoch Haedah, Vayikach Romach B'Yado." And Pinchas, the son of Elazar, the son of Aharon, arose from amongst the congregation, and he took his spear in his hand.

We can infer from the description in this pasuk that Pinchas did not always carry his spear in his hand, or at his side. On a halachic level, the Gemara in Sanhedrin learns from here that one is not allowed to bring Klei Zayin, weaponry, into the Mishkan and Beit HaMikdash. Rav Ahron Lichtenstein, based on this inference, teaches us a valuable lesson regarding the midda of Kanaut, zealotry, of which Pinchas is the prime example in the Chumash.

Rav Lichtenstein points out that Pichas' Kanaut was necessary for the moment, but certainly not premedited. He wasn't looking for an argument; he responded Kulo L'shem Shamayim. He didn't walk around with his spear, ready to impale wrong-doers. Pichas was a Kohen, the grandson of the Ish Shalom, Aharon, and it was in his nature to seek peaceful resolutions. But, if needed, he was ready to go to war to defend the Jewish people and Jewish values.

We need to learn from Pinchas. On one hand, we must be ready to 'go to war' to defend out values, our Tradition. On the other hand, Kanaut, zealotry and fanaticism, must not become commonplace in our lives and the upbringing of our children.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Yehuda Moses Rav HaKehillah/Senior Rabbi

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784